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How to Increase Show Design

Instructors play a critical role in designing and implementing the visual elements of their programs. A well-designed show can not only impress judges and audiences but also provide students with a challenging and rewarding experience. Here are some strategies that high school color guard instructors can use to increase their show design skills:

Attend workshops and clinics: There are many workshops and clinics available for color guard instructors to attend. These events can provide valuable insights into current trends, techniques, and best practices. Instructors who attend these events can learn new design strategies and network with other instructors to share ideas and get feedback on their work.

Collaborate with other designers: Collaborating with other designers can help instructors to gain new perspectives and come up with fresh ideas. Instructors can work with music arrangers, choreographers, and drill designers to create a cohesive show that highlights the strengths of the program. This collaboration can also help to ensure that the visual elements of the show complement the musical elements and create a seamless performance.

Be adaptable and flexible: The design process is not always linear, and things may not always go according to plan. Instructors need to be adaptable and flexible when it comes to designing their shows. They may need to make changes to their designs based